The awarding of Life Membership is the highest honour that the Wellington Indian Association can bestow on a member and is done in recognition of those individuals who have given meritorious service over a number of years for the betterment of the organisation.
If you require any clarification on the eligibility criteria or guidelines for making the nomination, please contact Chairperson, Life Membership & Awards Committee via lmcchair@wia.org.nz.
Who is Eligible
The Nominee must be a current financial member of WIA for 2 years continuously.
Nominee must have at least 12 years of direct services to WIA (e.g. Executive member, on a subcommittee). Services to WIA outside of any committee by a nominee may be considered. Other factors which may be considered include contributions, performance and achievements in the enhancement/development of our cultural, religious, administrative, language and community activities.
Nomination Form
The form is attached (there are two pages) and please include additional material in support of the nomination.
Guidelines for nomination submission
Complete the nomination form and provide supporting information (1- 2 paragraphs) on why you believe the person you are nominating is worthy of being assessed.
Please note the NOMINEE, must be a current financial member of WIA for 2 years continuously.
Please include the following details:
Number of the years that the nominee has served on the WIA Executive and/or on any other committee. Remember to include details of all extra ordinary achievements in the positions held or benefits derived by the Wellington Indian community.
Note services to WIA outside of any committee by a nominee may be considered. Factors to be considered include contributions, performance and achievements in the enhancement/development of our cultural, religious, administrative, language and community activities.
Other services provided by the nominee will only be considered where these are for the WIA (e.g. elected delegate from WIA to another organisation such as the Wellington Multicultural Council, or the New Zealand Indian Central Association) etc….
Services where the nominee is an independently elected member of another organisation is not eligible.
Monetary factors should not be taken into consideration (e.g. donations, loans or sponsorships).
The nominee must have integrity, honesty and be of good character, be loyal to WIA and have crime free record.
In addition, the above criteria forms part of the overall assessment for life-membership and any one of the criteria is not conclusive on its own.